

It is essential that all requests for ‘Leave of Absence’ are made well in advance to enable time to check reasons, evidence and previous attendance information. Do not assume that authorisation will be given. School holidays during school time are never authorised. School term dates are published well in advance to enable parents to make plans for holidays out of school time. These can be found either on the school website or Cornwall Council website.

We work closely with our Educational Welfare Officer to support students and parents with low attendance with the aim of improving the outcomes for the student. In some cases, however, the school will use legal action for persistent absentees.  This year, the figure for persistent absentees is 90%.  This equates to 3.5 days per term.  If your child’s attendance falls to 92%, this will trigger a referral to the Educational Welfare Service who may proceed with fines or refer the case to court.

Please help us and your child by ensuring that their attendance remains at the least, above 97%.
If your child is going to be absent from school due to illness, then please inform the office before 9 am on that morning, and let us know the reason why your child is going to be absent, and when you expect them to return. If your child is off for more than one day, we must still be informed each day of your child's absence until they return to school.  This is the school's statutory safeguarding duty.
Please note in instances of sickness and/or diarrhea, please keep your child off school for 48 hours, timed from the last occurrence. If you are unsure whether your child should be at school, please look at the following guidance. https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/is-my-child-too-ill-for-school/
We will administer prescribed medication to children if: 
  • They are handed in to the office with clear written instructions. Instructions on the bottle are not sufficient 
  • The medicine is labelled with the child's name and dose
  • Parents should collect medicines from the office at the end of the school day
  • We have to dispense all medicines centrally; this has to been done at playtime or lunch time
  • Where medicine has to be given four times a day, it would be helpful if you gave one dose before school and two after, leaving us to give one only in the middle of the day.

The above does not apply to asthma inhalers which often need to be kept with the child. Parents need to complete our Asthma form to enable this. It is available from the school office. Parents of children with asthma should encourage them to learn to take responsibility for their own medication.


 If you are taking your child out of school for a holiday, or any other event, then a holiday request form must be filled in prior to the absence. The form can be found below or alternatively a hard copy can be obtained from the school office.  Please note that a holiday during term time is not considered to be an exceptional circumstance and will not be approved.
Medical appointments
If you need to take your child out of school for any length of time to attend a medical appointment, then the school office must be notified in advance using the appointment form below. We also ask to see the letter/text confirming the date and time of the medical appointment. Please ensure that, where possible, medical appointments are made outside of school time.

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