
The School Day

Children should arrive between 8.40am (when the school gate opens) and 8.55am at school.

Children should NOT be left unattended before the gates are opened.

8.40 - 8.55am Children arrive and go straight into class. Pupils are expected to be in class and ready for the day by 8.55am.  

8.55am - Commencement of the day.

8.55 - 9.00am - Registration. Any arrivals after 8.55am must report to the school office and will be marked as an unauthorised absence. 

9.00- 9.15am - Spellings (KS2) / RWInc (KS1 and EYFS) 

9.15am - Reading (KS2) / RWInc (KS1 and EYFS) 

9.45am - English - Writing (KS2) / RWInc (KS1 and EYFS) 

10.45am - Playtime

11.00am - Spelling

11.00am - Maths

12.15pm - Lunchtime

1.15pm - Registration

1.15 - 2.15pm - Session 3 

2.15 - 2.25pm - Playtime for EYFS and KS1 (KS2 continue with lessons)

2.30 - 3.25pm - Session 4

3.20 (KS1) / 3.25pm (KS2) - End of school day. Children released by teachers to taxis, buses, parents/carers in the playground. Otherwise, they attend an extra curricular activity.